As we have all become aware this week, we are living in unprecedented, historic times. The news reports and government decisions and recommendations concerning Coronavirus (COVID-19) seem to be updated almost hourly. As people of faith and as writers, we do not give...
How to Set Up a blog the Right Way
Download this month's free ebook on setting up your own blog from scratch! Blogging is a fun way to communicate with the world what God has placed on your heart. But I’ve talked to so many people who look at this world of blogging and give up...
Your Mission as a Writer – May Newsletter
MAY 8: Cynthia Ruchti: Your Mission as a Writer--It's Not a Line...It's a Labyrinth (We will conclude this program with a year-end summer commissioning ceremony.) When a writer sets out on a career path, logic can be both beneficial and a barricade. Logic thinks of...
10 Blogging Template Swipe File to Spark your next post.
Blogging is tough work, and without the right resources, it can be frustrating. Imagine the last time you stared at that blinking cursor. You scratch your head and wonder what you should write. Over the past few months, I’ve had several people ask me, “How do...
A Book Sold Is Not a Book Sold – March 2017 Newsletter
A Book Sold Is Not a Book Sold by Marianne McDonough In the past month, I've had the privilege of doing two Barnes and Noble book signings. Yesterday morning as I prepared for the second one, I began my day with the second chapter of Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson...
Are you an Everyday Person? February 2017 Newsletter
February 13, 2017 Scott Noble, Reaching Your Audience Whether you’re writing for business or for ministry, how you develop your content is critical to maximizing its impact on those you want to reach. Discover tips, techniques and approaches that will help ensure that...
Evernote Hacks Every Writer Needs!
Have you ever struggled with not knowing the best course of action to take your writing to the next level? I know I have. This is where Evernote saved me a ton of time and headache when it comes to writing. I would struggle in wanting to write something, using an app...
January 2017 Newsletter
Volume 29 Number 5 January 2017 Living for God, Writing for People January 9 Jesse Florea from Focus on the Family Small Beginnings with Big Opportunities For the Christian writer, the size of venue, scope, and readership does not determine the value of a writing...
Get Published Today Using Theses 3 Techniques.
We all desire to get published and to see our work in the hands of readers who's lives will be changed. But where does one simply get published relatively quickly? It's easier than you think, and I'll show you how. This is why we are providing this valuable...
3 Online Tools You Can Benefit From Today
As writers, it's difficult to remain focused when our attention is diverted from the task at hand–writing. If you're like me, you want to write faster and get more done, but maybe you lack the tools or the knowledge of where to find them. If we truly want to...
Free to Focus ebook
As writers, we're always looking for the next best writing tool to add to our toolbox. For me, I used Microsoft Word for years. But after struggling with the endless scrolling, not finding what I'm looking for, or having too many windows open, I knew I was in need to...