8 Steps to Getting Real with Cancer

8 Steps to Getting Real with Cancer

Empowering Newly-Diagnosed Patients and Those Who Love Them

8 Steps to Getting Real with Cancer is a practical step-by-step guide for newly-diagnosed cancer patients and those who love them. Empowerment is the key theme throughout this book as Marianne McDonough, a breast cancer survivor, addresses the critical first weeks following diagnosis when patients suddenly face wrenching decisions, intense stress, and their own mortality.

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About the Book

8 Steps to Getting Real with Cancer is a practical step-by-step guide for newly-diagnosed cancer patients and those who love them. Empowerment is the key theme throughout this book as Marianne McDonough, a breast cancer survivor, addresses the critical first weeks following diagnosis when patients suddenly face wrenching decisions, intense stress, and their own mortality.

The book is divided into 8 Steps that coincide with the hard questions patients ask themselves, such as:

* What do I know about cancer and believe to be true about myself as a cancer patient?
* How shall I interact with others, especially my family, friends, and medical providers?
* How can I select the best treatment protocol?
* How do I feel about possibly dying?
* Where is God in all of this?
* What am I afraid of?
* How do I deal with the stress?
* Do I dare hope for a future?

Using specific examples from her own cancer journey, McDonough employs an easy-to-read, three-fold format: myths versus truths statements, “how to” applications, and survivors attitudes. Additionally, she debunks “easy platitudes” that impose unfair expectations and standards on patients suddenly struggling with life and death matters.

With palpable compassion, the author writes in a transparent, conversational style. Newly-diagnosed patients, she says, have enough stress while making monumental decisions, so she invites them to rest their souls, find strength in their own beliefs, and prepare well not only for effective treatment but also for fully vibrant survivorship.

The primary audience for this book is cancer patients, especially newly diagnosed, and support people who love and care for them. Other readers include medical, counseling, and ministerial professionals.

This book is an excellent resource and addition to hospital gift shops, oncology and ob/gyn departments, and church book stores.

Author: Marianne McDonough
Series: Marianne McDonough
Genre: Self-help
Tags: Cancer, Health, Self-help
Publisher: Sapphire River Publishing Services, Inc.
Publication Year: 2016
ASIN: B01M5B3Z97
ISBN: 9780996697705
List Price: 12.98
eBook Price: 2.99
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Marianne McDonough

Marianne McDonough is an author and journalist from Edina, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. Her professional and personal interests have always been rooted in the creative arts, including, in addition to writing, music and dance. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history and secondary education and a Master of Arts in mass communication. In various capacities, Marianne has also served her community and churches on an ongoing basis, as reflected in her current role as executive director for Great Commission Artists (greatcommissionartists.com), a network of faith-based artists.

In 2012, Marianne received an invasive ductile carcinoma diagnosis. Healthy in all other respects, she says she felt powerless at first. “It was as if I was no longer in charge of my life, where I was going or for how long. I felt that all my autonomy was gone.” Post treatment and into survivorship, Marianne decided to write a book for newly diagnosed patients, because “that’s the hardest part” in her opinion. The book title, 8 Steps to Getting Real with Cancer: Empowering Newly-Diagnosed Patients and Those Who Love Them, reflects her additional concerns for family and friends, because “they’re scared, too, and they have no idea what to do or how to help.”

The response to 8 Steps was very positive, and it won the 2016 Midwest Book Award in the health category.

Beating Cancer One Truth at a Time evolved in 2017 when Marianne's oncologist suggested her practical, down-to-earth approach to cancer would work well in support group settings. At first she set out to create a companion guide but soon realized she wanted to include new text, information, suggestions for resources, and creative ways to help patients clarify their own beliefs about cancer, make well-informed decisions, and be confident that they're doing everything possible to fight cancer the way they believe is best for them.

Her hope going forward is to continue to encourage patients and families as well as advocate for early diagnosis and proactive survivor vigilance. She is also interested in cancer prevention and promoting increased education. Her blogs are available at 8stepstogettingrealwithcancer.com, beatingcanceronetruthatatime.com, and mariannemcdonough.com.

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