Beyond Tomorrow

Beyond Tomorrow

Disruption to peaceful family relationships brings conflict, change, and growth. The journey of the Anderson family proves God's faithfulness yesterday, today and tomorrow-and even beyond. Was it chance that forced James to slow down and look at his life?

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About the Book

Disruption to peaceful family relationships brings conflict, change, and growth. The journey of the Anderson family proves God’s faithfulness yesterday, today and tomorrow-and even beyond. Was it chance that forced James to slow down and look at his life? Family. Work. Estranged sons and daughters. Was this vicious attack a blessing in disguise? Was it time to retire and was there still time to pursue his lifelong dream? For an entire generation reaching retirement age new challenges surface and new opportunities beckon. Vernal Lind presents up-to-date and real life situations in his believable characters and story. Through this inviting and refreshing book, he asks the right questions: Where is purpose in the declining years? How does one begin a search to find new purpose and meaning? Not all the answers are easy to come by. Following the ever changing Anderson family gives us all the freedom to ask our own questions and seek answers about getting older. How do we hang on to our core beliefs in a changing and declining culture?

Author: Vernal Lind
Series: Vernal Lind, Beyond Those Hills, Book 5
Genres: Christian Fiction, Historical
Publisher: Redemption Press
Publication Year: 2015
ISBN: 9781632322180
List Price: 16.99
eBook Price: 4.99
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Vernal Lind

Vernal Lind grew up in the Leaf Hills on a farm in West-Central Minnesota, not far from Inspiration Peak (second highest point in Minnesota, named by Sinclair Lewis). He graduated from St. Cloud (Mn.) State University with B.S. and M.S. degrees. He also attended a number of other colleges and universities to do post-graduate work. He taught English for 36 years at the senior high level—and one year at the college or university level.

He moved to Battle Lake (MN.) after retirement. Presently, he is a freelance writer and an active volunteer; published in GRIT, CAPPERS, LIFEWISE, TEACHERS OF VISION and other periodicals; and his stories appear in WRITING SO HEAVEN WILL BE DIFFERENT, RIDING THE AIRWAVES, and OTTER TAIL REVIEW (anthologies). He writes a regular column for TEACHERS OF VISION as well as occasional articles.

He is involved in church, has held a number of positions—congregational president, committees, part-time organist, coordinator of adult education, etc.—for 16 years. He is a volunteer at a care center—doing Evergreen Reading Program, play and sing, lead hymn sing; he also volunteers at Otter Tail County Historical Society—researching, recording materials, proofreading, and some editing of newsletter. He also proofreads for a weekly column in FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL and CONNECTIONS magazine.

He delivers Meals on Wheels once a week, volunteers at B.L. Senior Center, and worked at the Food Shelf as chairman of the board for several years.

He is active in the state organization, Minnesota Christian Writers’ Guild, and received Best New Writer and Writer of the Year awards from the Write to Publish Conference.

Vernal Lind is single but very much involved with his family. He loves his two sisters, nieces, grandnieces and nephews and considers them as a big part of his life.

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