The Road To Relationship: A Journey Through the Book of Matthew

Join us on the journey toward a better relationship.
In today’s society of social media networking, face-to-face relationships are struggling. “The Road to Relationship” explores deepening relationships by commingling a study of how Jesus interacted with people throughout the book of Matthew and correlating it to various societal views on improving relationships. We become aware of how Jesus was perfecting these views long before our time and having great success.
This Women's Bible study workbook will guide you through the road map of finding a better relationship with the person of your choice.
Your Journey To Relationship Starts Right Here!
The purpose of “The Road to Relationship” Bible study is to encourage improved relationships by considering 26 attitudes and actions Jesus portrayed in the book of Matthew that will contribute to that progress.
You Will Learn:
To get to know others through the actions of questions, requests, and effort & the attitudes of humility and openness to learning.
To realize the importance of helping each other through actions of clear directions and practical help & attitudes of compassion, understanding, and closeness.
To understand the importance of taking care of yourself in order to improve your relationships through actions of intimacy with God and others & attitudes of peace and serenity.
To learn to meet people where they are and encourage them onward through actions of role modeling, visualizing and encouragement & attitudes of empathy and joy.
To appreciate people through actions of listening, acknowledging and reciprocating & attitudes of trust, love, and humility.
To know you are on a path of developing good relationships when people want to be around you because your words move them to action & they experience attitudes of hope and faith because of your presence.
The Journey To Get There Includes:
• Audio Sessions - listen to a free online audio session at the beginning of each week to be introduced to the week’s topic.
• Daily Lessons and “Weigh Stations” - study relational attitudes and actions through thebook of Matthew and Weigh In on things to Stop Doing, Stay the Course and to Start Doing.
• “Pit Stops” - Weekly practical resources to improve your relational skills