What’s Behind the Mighty Fitz?

What’s Behind the Mighty Fitz?

The Edmund Fitzgerald, a huge freighter that mysteriously sank in 1975 during an unbelievable storm on Lake Superior.

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About the Book

When Lucas Sanchez fails to catch a Frisbee and it crashes into an oil painting of the Edmund Fitzgerald, he is stunned as part of a green eye stares back. He remembers a CNN report of an art heist and wonders, What’s Behind the Mighty Fitz? The Edmund Fitzgerald, a huge freighter that mysteriously sank in 1975 during an unbelievable storm on Lake Superior, is at the center of this action/adventure novel.

Author: Joanne Reisberg
Series: Joanne Reisberg
Genres: Childrens, Historical
Tags: Ages 8-14, Grade Level: 3-6, Novella
Publisher: North Star Press
Publication Year: 2014
ISBN: 9780878397570
List Price: 9.95
eBook Price: 4.99
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Joanne Reisberg

Joanne Anderson Reisberg grew up in Minneapolis, is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and Macalester College, and has taught in Minneapolis and El Paso. She believes books are truly an integral part of an author's life. Her great grandfather served with a Minnesota Regiment in the Civil War which prompted her to write Save the Colors: a Civil War Battle Cry (2001). Her book Zachary Zormer Shape Transformer: A Math Adventure (2006), keeps her close to the classroom as they make Möbius strips. She is also the author of Webster's Coming Home Today (2007) published by Operation Outreach-USA, and is pleased with their strong mission of putting books in the hands of young readers. Zachary Zormer (2009) has also been published in the Korean language. She has just ventured into the eBook market with Escape to the New World (2012), a tween action/adventure novel on the high seas. Joanne received a Certificate of Achievement Award from the Writer's Digest (1997) and an ANA award from the University of Minnesota (2005). She has been published in national children's magazines and lives in Minneapolis with her husband, Bernie. When she is not writing, you can always find her with a mystery book nearby.

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