Escape to the New World

Escape to the New World

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Carlos wonders how wise it was to attempt his Escape to the New World.

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What’s Behind the Mighty Fitz?

What’s Behind the Mighty Fitz?

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The Edmund Fitzgerald, a huge freighter that mysteriously sank in 1975 during an unbelievable storm on Lake Superior.

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Save the Colors : A Civil War Battle Cry

Save the Colors : A Civil War Battle Cry


Despite his uncle's objections, twelve-year-old Charley eagerly joins the First Minnesota Regiment to fight for the Union, but when he is caught up in the first major battle on the Civil War at Bull Run, his thoughts about the war change.

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Stormy Encounters

Stormy Encounters

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In one unforgettable summer, Steven Carlson is pushed to the edge of disaster and forced to confront his prison of self-doubt.

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