Escape to the New World
Carlos wonders how wise it was to attempt his Escape to the New World.
More info →Webster’s Coming Home Today
Webster's Coming Home Today is the story of Cooper Mattison, a determined young boy desperately searching for his dog, Webster.
More info →What’s Behind the Mighty Fitz?
The Edmund Fitzgerald, a huge freighter that mysteriously sank in 1975 during an unbelievable storm on Lake Superior.
More info →Zachary Zormer: Shape Transformer
Friday is Zachary Zormer's favorite day of the week. At least it is until he realizes he forgot this week's assignment...
More info →Save the Colors : A Civil War Battle Cry
Despite his uncle's objections, twelve-year-old Charley eagerly joins the First Minnesota Regiment to fight for the Union, but when he is caught up in the first major battle on the Civil War at Bull Run, his thoughts about the war change.
More info →Tuesday…A Lucky Day for Luis
Luis has empathy with an abandoned dog he names Tuesday and convinces his mother he needs a good home.
More info →The Fabulous World That God Made!
Stunning, vibrant illustrations paired with rhythmic, dynamic descriptions of the sun, land, water, animals, and the first people, The Fabulous World that God Made presents an expansive, delightful romp through the Bible's creation story. Joyce K. Ellis' and Andrés Landázabal's picture book is sure to enthrall readers of all ages and invite them to consider their own role in the fabulous world that God made.
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