Joyce K. Ellis
Write with Excellence 201

Write with Excellence 201


Now fully compatible with The Chicago Manual of Style, Seventeenth Edition and The Christian Writer's Manual of Style, Fourth Edition!

First-rate writers use first-rate grammar, but grammar isn’t an easy skill to learn. The task is now much easier thanks to Joyce K. Ellis’s Write with Excellence 201.

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The Fabulous World That God Made!

The Fabulous World That God Made!

Stunning, vibrant illustrations paired with rhythmic, dynamic descriptions of the sun, land, water, animals, and the first people, The Fabulous World that God Made presents an expansive, delightful romp through the Bible's creation story. Joyce K. Ellis' and Andrés Landázabal's picture book is sure to enthrall readers of all ages and invite them to consider their own role in the fabulous world that God made.

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